Rising Tide Rents and Robber Baron Rents – O’Reilly

Why is it that Google, a company once known for its distinctive “Do no evil” guideline,…

Goal Representations for Instruction Following – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog

Goal Representations for Instruction Following A longstanding goal of the field of robot learning has been…

Leading in the era of AI: How Microsoft’s platform differentiation and Copilot empowerment are driving AI Transformation

A Copilot on every desk, every device and across every role is core to Microsoft’s mission…

Mapping the brain pathways of visual memorability | MIT News

For nearly a decade, a team of MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) researchers…

Computer game in school made students better at detecting fake news

A computer game helped upper secondary school students become better at distinguishing between reliable and misleading…

6 Reasons Why Generative AI Initiatives Fail and How to Overcome Them

If you’re an AI leader, you might feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a…

SQL Commands (DDL, DML, DCL, TCL, DQL): Types, Syntax, and Examples

Overview SQL, which stands for Structured Query Language, is a powerful language used for managing and…

GPT-2 from scratch with torch

Whatever your take on Large Language Models (LLMs) – are they beneficial? dangerous? a short-lived fashion,…

The Download: the future of geoengineering, and how to make stronger, lighter materials

—Daniele Visioni is a climate scientist and assistant professor at Cornell University The public debate over…

Corporate Responsibility in the Age of AI – O’Reilly

Since its release in November 2022, almost everyone involved with technology has experimented with ChatGPT: students,…