A fast and flexible approach to help doctors annotate medical scans | MIT News

To the untrained eye, a medical image like an MRI or X-ray appears to be a…

New AI can ID brain patterns related to specific behavior

Maryam Shanechi, the Sawchuk Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering and founding director of the USC…

Posit AI Blog: Optimizers in torch

This is the fourth and last installment in a series introducing torch basics. Initially, we focused…

To be more useful, robots need to become lazier

“Organisms try not to process information that they don’t need to because that processing is very…

Bay Area Hackathon project leads to unique co-innovation with a major construction industry customer

Shail Desai presents the Intelligent Construction Portal at the Microsoft Bay Area Science Fair after the…

Making climate models relevant for local decision-makers | MIT News

Climate models are a key technology in predicting the impacts of climate change. By running simulations…

People facing life-or-death choice put too much trust in AI, study finds

In simulated life-or-death decisions, about two-thirds of people in a UC Merced study allowed a robot…

ASOF Joins, OLS Regression, and additional summarizers

Since sparklyr.flint, a sparklyr extension for leveraging Flint time series functionalities through sparklyr, was introduced in…

For Subscribers: Celebrate 125 years of MIT Technology Review

We’re giving away 25 complimentary virtual (livestream) tickets to EmTech MIT, our flagship event on emerging technologies…

An update on our approach to tackling intimate image abuse

Since 2015, Microsoft has recognized the very real reputational, emotional, and other devastating impacts that arise…