Automatically send personalized emails to new leads

Hooray, someone just filled out your form! This means you have a hot, new lead. You…

Wave vs. QuickBooks: Which is best? [2024]

When I was 10 years old, I had a small business that involved going door to…

The 7 best cold email software options in 2024

As a serial email deleter, I know how hard it is to get people to open…

4 ways to automate Firebase

Firebase is a platform developed by Google that helps users build and manage mobile and web…

The 8 best AI scheduling assistants in 2024

Productivity starts with your calendar—but sometimes it ends there too. No one wants to reprioritize an…

5 popular Webflow integration ideas

You probably chose Webflow as your website builder because you’re more of a creator than a…

Jira vs. ServiceNow: Which is best? [2024]

As anyone who’s ever tried to air up a 2012 Subaru Outback tire with a bicycle-grade…

How to build a LinkedIn marketing strategy from scratch

I’m not a social media marketer by trade, so when one of my clients asked me…

How to create new Softr users from Airtable

With Softr, it feels like you can conjure new apps out of thin air. It’s great…

The best event management software in 2024

Because Zapier hosts thousands of people at our annual virtual conference, ZapConnect, our team is very…