A cash-back business credit card is any credit card designed for and issued to businesses and earns rewards in the form of cash back. Often, cash-back business credit cards earn at higher rates in common business expense categories, such as office supplies and internet or phone service, with a smaller cash-back rate on general purchase categories. These cards often come with business-oriented benefits as well.
Cash-back business credit cards can help keep personal and business expenses separate. Keep in mind, however, that business credit cards may still require personal guarantees from the primary cardholder in the event a business lacks sufficient business credit history or collateral.
How Do Cash-Back Business Credit Cards Work?
Every time you make a purchase with your cash-back business card, you’ll earn a percentage back on your spending. The amount you earn will depend on the terms of your particular card. For instance, 1% cash back on a $100 purchase equates to $1 in cash-back rewards.
How To Earn Cash Back With Business Credit Cards
- Review cash-back business card options and apply for one that suits your needs. Compare earning rates, annual fees, spending limits and other card details, and learn more about how cash back works to optimize your rewards potential.
- Charge your business expenses to the card. Most cash-back cards reward you on all purchases. If you hold multiple rewards cards, pay with the card offering the highest rewards rate for that particular purchase.
- Check your rewards balance monthly. Many credit cards update your rewards balance once a month after your billing statement closes.
- Redeem your rewards. Some cards may automatically apply your cash back to your statement balance, but others require you to manually request cash back. In some cases, you may also have additional redemption options.