Are you confident that your C++ classes are handling resources properly? Ignoring the Rule of Three can cause memory leaks, shallow copying, and unnoticed bugs that can terminate your application. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the Rule of Three in C++, why it’s important for dynamic memory handling, copy constructors and destructors, and how it avoids resource management problems in your programs.
Table of Contents:
Understanding the Rule of Three in C++
The Rule of Three is a C++ programming principle that states: if a class requires a user-defined destructor, copy constructor, or copy assignment operator, then it likely requires all three. This rule ensures proper resource management and prevents issues such as shallow copies, memory leaks, and dangling pointers. It applies primarily to classes that manage dynamic resources like heap-allocated memory, file handles, or other system resources.
- Destructor
- Copy constructor
- Copy assignment operator
The Three Special Members
Typically, if a class manages dynamically allocated resources, it needs three special member functions:
1. Destructor (~ClassName())
- Releases dynamically allocated resources when an object leaves scope.
- Freed Heap Memory to Avoid Memory Leaks

MyClass allocates memory for an integer in its constructor and deallocates it in its destructor to avoid memory leaks. The dedicated member function display() is used to print the stored value, and the destructor handles the cleanup aspect upon exiting the object’s scope. If needed, implement a copy constructor and assignment operator (to avoid issues like shallow copies) resources.
2. Copy Constructor (ClassName(const ClassName& other))
- Defines how an object is copied when passed by value.
- Ensures deep copying if the class is responsible for dynamic resources.

The following C++ program is to show you the concept of deep copying in class. The constructor for MyClass allocates memory for an integer on the heap, and the copy constructor takes care of deep copying the value by allocating memory for a new int and copying the value into it. Avoid Memory Leaks: A Destructor can free up memory. The display() function prints out the stored value, and the main function tests for deep copying by creating and displaying two objects.
3. Copy Assignment Operator (operator=(const ClassName& other))
- Defines how an object is assigned another existing object of the same type
- Guarantees correct resource management when updating an object

This is an example of copying using the copy assignment operator. The class mallocs an integer in its constructor, and when one object is assigned to another, the operator releases the old memory before mallocing new memory and copying the value. Destructor: It avoids memory leaks. It gets called whenever an object gets destroyed so that it deallocates memory. The primary function tests deep copying by assigning one descriptor to another and printing the values.
Advantages of the Rule of Three in C++
- In C++, the Rule of three is a memory management principle that requires programmers to define three special functions to prevent resource leaks when working with classes that manage dynamic memory (e.g., heap memory) allocation and deallocation.
- It does not make shallow copies, letting objects manage their resources.
- It also allows for controlled object assignment, mitigating side effects that could arise with shallow or deep copying of objects.
Disadvantages of the Rule of Three in C++
- More code to maintain: It basically needs a few additional member functions to be implemented properly when you are dealing with multiple resources, to add more code to maintain.
- Performance overhead: For large objects, deep copying can be quite costly.
- Manual resource management: This adds complexity, especially when you are dealing with multiple resources.
Alternatives for the Rule of Three in C++
Although the Rule of three is important for resource management in C++ versions before C++11, C++ has introduced more refined guidelines that lessen overall complexity and increase performance. The two main alternatives are the Rule of Five and the Rule of Zero.
Rule of Five (C++11 and Beyond)
The Rule of Five builds on the Rule of Three, adding two more special member functions:
- Move Constructor (ClassName(ClassName&& other))
- Move Assignment Operator(operator=(ClassName&& other)
These functions let one object “steal” resources from another object instead of making expensive deep copies. This optimization gives a huge performance improvement, particularly for large objects or those that control heap memory.

In the above code, the class manages the dynamically allocated integer and assigns the deep copy, the move semantics handles the resource correctly. The memory allocation takes place with the help of copy constructor and copy assignment operator to prevent the ownership issues. To avoid unnecessary deep copies, the move constructor and move assignment operator are used. The destructor ensures proper cleanup and prevents memory leaks.
Rule of Zero(C++11 and Later)
The rule of zero follows a different approach, instead of a manual implementation of a special member function, to manage the resources automatically. It depends on standard library functions like std::unique_ptr, std::shared_, ptr, and std::vector. This approach follows the RAII(resource acquisition is initialization) principle to ensure proper management without explicit destructor operations.

The above code follows the rule of zero. For automatic memory management, this approach uses std::unique_ptr. It ensures safe and efficient resource handling through RAII, and the rule of zero removes the need for a destructor or special constructors.
Choosing the Right Approach
- Follows the rule of five if the class handles the raw dynamic resources.
- Prefer the rule of zero if your class uses standard library containers or smart pointers to avoid memory management.
In C++, the Rule of Three is essential when managing dynamic resources, proper memory handling, and preventing shallow copies. This method is used in classes that allocate the resources in heap memory, files handles. However, the modern C++ rule of zero and rule of five are also important to manage the performance of critical applications.
FAQs on What is The Rule of Three in C++
1. Define the Rule of Three in C++
The Rule of Three is an approach that if a class needs a destructor, copy constructor, and copy assignment operator.
2. What is the importance of the Rule of Three?
The importance of the Rule of three is that when handling dynamic resources, it prevents memory leaks and shallow copies.
3. Mention the usage of the Rule of Three
The rule of three is used when your class primarily manages dynamic resources like heap-allocated memory, file handles, or other system resources.
4. How does the Rule of Three differ from the Rule of Five?
By adding move semantics, the rule of five extends the rule of three.
5. How do you avoid the Rule of Three?
The rule of three can be avoided by using smart pointers like std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr, followed by the rule of zero.