5 ways to automate Pendo

If you offer a digital product like an app or platform, chances are you’d give almost anything to know how your customers are really using your tool. To get those insights, you might use a tool like Pendo, an all-in-one analytics, tracking, and feedback app designed to help you understand your users better. 

But “data and analytics” can be an intimidating string of words for a lot of people. Unless you’re a product expert, you probably want to digest information in a more familiar way, like a spreadsheet or email. You also want to minimize the context switching of hopping from app to app constantly.

That’s why connecting Pendo to your other apps is so crucial—it helps you make data available to people across your organization in a way that makes sense for them. With  Zaps—Zapier’s automated workflows—you can connect Pendo with your business-critical apps. Here’s how.

New to Zapier? It’s workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

Table of contents

To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Get notifications for new Pendo activity

You might want to give a specific person or team really granular insight into your users, including when there’s a new visitor in a Pendo report. Instead of having your team constantly check Pendo, you can set up a Zap to automatically alert them wherever they like to get notifications—whether that’s Slack, Microsoft Teams, or their email inbox. 

For new visitors

Set up a Zap to automatically alert your team of every new visitor—along with related metadata like first visit date or email. Alternatively, you can create a Zap that notifies just one person via Slack direct message (DM). 

For new accounts

You can also let your team know whenever there’s a new account in a Pendo report in your preferred communication channel with these Zaps:

Track data in your spreadsheet tool

Even though they may feel a bit uncool, spreadsheets are a great way to track and manipulate data—especially in a cloud-based tool like Google Sheets or the Microsoft 365 version of Excel, which track changes in real-time. They’re also easy to access. If you’re using Google Workspace or Microsoft 365, anyone can find and use data stored in a spreadsheet. 

Rather than manually copying and pasting data between tools—which can easily lead to mistakes or missed info—use a Zap to automatically connect them.

Connect Pendo to your CRM or email marketing tool

If you want them to be successful, you need to arm your sales and marketing teams with the most up-to-date user data. But keeping data consistent and reliable across apps like Pendo and your CRM gets increasingly difficult as your business scales. 

Instead of updating that information manually, you can use a Zap to automatically send Pendo data to your CRM. That way, your leads stay fresh and accurate, and your teams can immediately leverage user insights to drive strategy.

Connect Pendo to your product and support tools

User data is one of the most valuable assets you can give your customer support and product teams. It’s crucial for them to know what users are enjoying—and where they’re struggling—so they can offer tailored support and invest in the right product improvements. 

But user data is also one of the most ever-changing aspects of your business, so keeping your support and product tools up-to-date can be a real challenge. 

Instead of relying on manual data entry or bulk exports to move data, you can set up a Zap that automatically pushes Pendo data into the tools your sales and product teams use every day. 

Let users know when they hit product milestones

When your business relies on selling a digital product, you want to encourage users to use your app as much as possible. A great way to encourage adoption and use is to gamify the user experience by marking out user milestones and celebrating or rewarding users when they pass those milestones. 

You can use a Zap to easily notify customers when they’ve hit a usage milestone. Just connect Pendo with an email service like SendGrid, and Zapier can automatically send them a fun chart illustrating their product usage.

Make user data your most valuable asset

Pendo is a great tool for gaining insights into how real users interact with your product—so why not make that data even more accessible? With Zapier, you can connect Pendo to the apps your team uses every day. Not only can automation make it easier to find user info, but it can also make it easier to apply user insights to everything from individual support interactions to your marketing strategy. 

And this is just the start of what you can do with Pendo and Zapier. What will you automate first?

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