7 WhatsApp Notifications automation ideas

Texting can be a great way to stay connected to your work on the go. You can talk to your team, your boss—maybe even your mom if you need a little encouragement. And with tools like WhatsApp, you can text across time zones and countries for free, which is a great perk if you have a distributed team. 

But texting isn’t just for keeping in touch. With WhatsApp Notifications and a little automation, you can also keep track of important developments even when you’re not at your computer—which is really helpful if your job or business takes you out in the field. Here are a few of the most popular ways to automate WhatsApp Notifications with Zapier.

New to Zapier? It’s workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with thousands of apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

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To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Get notified about new files 

If you work with a lot of files—like contracts or quotes—it can feel really overwhelming to stay on top of every new item, especially when you’re out and about. That’s where automation comes in. You can create an automated workflow (which we call a Zap) that sends you a WhatsApp notification every time a new file is added to your file management tool. 

If you don’t want to get a WhatsApp notification for everything, you can make the workflow more specific, so you only get notified when new files are added to specific folders.

Get notifications for new spreadsheet data

Spreadsheets are a powerhouse tool for storing, organizing, and analyzing all kinds of data—from leads to software bugs. But because there are so many different ways to work with them, spreadsheets can also feel a little clunky, especially on the go. If you need to find one new row of data, good luck pulling it up on a tiny mobile phone screen!

Instead of trying to stay on top of new spreadsheet data manually, you can use automation to have it delivered directly to you. Just create a Zap that sends you a WhatsApp notification anytime there’s a new or updated row in a particular spreadsheet—no pinching or zooming required!

Stay on top of form responses

Forms are great for giving customers a way to get in touch—especially if they need to schedule field services like repairs, home deliveries, or in-person sales meetings. But if you’re trying to make it to all those scheduled appointments, chances are you’re not routinely checking for new form responses.

To help you multitask, you can use a Zap to automatically send you a WhatsApp notification every time someone submits a new form response. That way, you can focus on your agenda for the day—while still staying on top of new requests. 

Keep up with calendar events

Similarly, you might not check your calendar all the time—especially if your work involves being away from your computer throughout the day. That can be really anxiety-inducing, especially if you work in a client-facing role where you need to accommodate new meetings or appointments.

Thankfully, you can squash the fear of missing an important appointment with automation. Just create a workflow that sends you a WhatsApp notification whenever there’s a new event on your calendar.

Get notified about new emails

If you work on a sales or support team, you’re probably familiar with email aliases or group inboxes. In an ideal world, you’d be able to check these from your phone—but that’s not always possible, depending on how your company’s infrastructure is set up. 

Instead, you can create a handy workaround with Zapier: an automated workflow that lets you know about new emails via WhatsApp Notifications. 

Stay on top of new digital leads

If you’re a marketer—or an entrepreneur growing your own business—staying on top of new leads is crucial. When someone clicks on an ad or fills out a lead gen form, you have a short window to act and convert them into a paying customer. But keeping up with those new leads can feel impossible without staying constantly glued to your computer screen.

Instead of never leaving your desk, consider automating those lead notifications. These automated workflows notify you via WhatsApp for every new lead—so you can have a life outside of your laptop. 

Keep track of everything else

Every business and team is unique, so you may need a little more flexibility with your WhatsApp notifications. Thankfully, Zapier connects to thousands of apps—plus webhooks and RSS feeds! Whether you want to get WhatsApp notifications for custom triggers or just know every time there’s new content on your favorite website, you can automate it with Zapier. 

Do more than just text with WhatsApp

WhatsApp isn’t just a tool for staying in touch with your friends and family; it can be a powerful hub for your work, especially when you’re on the go. By automating WhatsApp Notifications with Zapier, you can stay on top of everything that matters—from new leads to new appointments and more. 

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