5 ways to automate Parseur

Whether we like it or not, dealing with documents is a core part of everyday work. From handling contracts via email to acquiring leads through a form, these kinds of documents contain information that is key to moving your business forward.  

But it’s easy to let some documents fall through the cracks, especially when they come from multiple sources. Sometimes, it’s easier to let a data extraction tool like Parseur pluck out that data for you, so you don’t have to spend all your time hopping between different apps. Parseur parses text from documents, emails, and attachments—and then converts it into structured data you can better analyze. 

While that’s a great first step, you’ll likely need to get that data into your other tools so you and your whole team can access it. By connecting Parseur to Zapier, you can create automated workflows (what we call Zaps) that move that information where you need it, when you need it. Take a look. 

New to Zapier? It’s workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

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To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Track key information in a spreadsheet

One of the best ways to organize the data you receive from customers is to move it into a tool like Google Sheets or Airtable. 

Doing so allows you to easily view information like customer forms (containing email addresses or purchase history), invoices, or event registrations at a glance. Then your team can do something with that information, like transforming it into customer insights or creating a list of upsell opportunities. 

By using these Zaps, you can forgo manually sifting through emails and other documents to retrieve that information and adding it to a spreadsheet. Instead, Zapier will automatically send it to a spreadsheet for you once Parseur structured your data accordingly. 

Route data to the right team members

Ever process important documents like contracts or consent forms? Whether you’re onboarding new employees, arranging contracts, or tracking sales, you’ll want to let the rest of your team know so they can carry out next steps. 

These Zaps automatically send notifications to Slack or Gmail once that data is parsed in Parseur. That way, anything that needs immediate attention will be routed to the right person in record time. 

Add leads straight to your CRM

When forms or emails get lost in the shuffle, it means people can get lost, too. 

A potential customer might submit a form asking to learn more about your business, for example. Or an existing customer might drop you an email about upgrading to a better subscription. But if you don’t stay on top of those requests, it’s easy to miss out on a sale. 

Parsing their contact details and adding them straight to your CRM automatically means your sales team can follow up right away, increasing both your outreach and chances of making a sale.

These Zaps will create contacts in tools like HubSpot or LeadConnector the moment a new document is processed in Parseur, so nothing falls through the cracks. 

Create tasks from documents

Received a new contract that requires your signature? Or a job application just got parsed and is ready for you to review?

It’s easy to overlook documents that require you to take action when you’re busy. If I don’t see it listed in my project management tool, that task is mostly out of sight, out of mind.

Fortunately, you can use automation to get those tasks out of Parseur and straight onto your to-do list. 

Whenever new parsed documents are ready in Parseur, these Zaps will add them to your favorite task management tool, like Todoist or Notion—automatically. 

Fill in the gaps with webhooks

While Zapier connects with thousands of apps, sometimes you might find the app you want to use doesn’t have an existing integration. Or you might have a particular task you can’t accomplish with an integration’s existing triggers or actions. 

When that happens, webhooks can fill in the gaps by allowing you to connect different applications and automate workflows through custom HTTP requests. 

This Zap, for example, will take the relevant data from a Parseur document and send it to the app you have in mind. 

Connect your data to your favorite apps

Your emails should help you run your business, not distract you from it. By connecting Parseur to the rest of your tech stack, you can streamline everything from lead management to team communication. 

This is just the start of what you can do with Parseur and Zapier. Check our App Directory to see what else you can do. 

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