If this is your very first credit card, you probably want to start out with a cash rewards card that’s as simple as it is lucrative.
Ideally, you won’t have to track rewards that rotate every quarter, apply to some merchants and not others (like 5% cash rewards on Lyft but not Uber) or grant you points or miles that are only good for travel.
There will be a time for those more “intermediate” credit card options (and we have plenty of recommendations when you’re ready). But for now, you probably want something basic, rewarding and easy to remember.
So how does an unlimited 2% cash rewards on purchases sound? That’s what the Wells Fargo Active Cash card offers, and it’s pretty hard to beat for a no annual fee cash rewards card.
Granted, the Active Cash card isn’t the only member of the “2% Club.” The Citi Double Cash card launched in 2014—a full seven years before the Active Cash card hit the market—and still manages to make our list of the Best Overall Credit Cards for its enduring all-around value and friendliness to Fair credit applicants, earning 2% cash back on all purchases—1% when purchases are made and another 1% when they’re paid off, and earn 5% total cash back on hotel, car rentals and attractions booked on the Citi Travel℠ portal through 12/31/25.
But for newbies, the Active Cash card has one more ace up its sleeve that can easily be worth $500-plus in value—especially if you’re clumsy.