4 Close automation ideas | Zapier

If you’re in sales (or any role that interacts with potential customers), you know things move pretty fast. It’s crucial to keep your customer communications and lead contact information organized and on-hand, which is why a CRM tool like Close can be a powerful ally. 

But when relationship-building is your priority, collecting that customer info is probably the last thing on your mind. Even something as simple as pulling contact details from leads or adding a new subscriber to your email list can fall through the cracks when you have a high volume of sales calls. 

To get the most out of Close, you need to integrate it with the rest of your tech stack and connect it automatically with your most essential revenue-building workflows. Here are five of the most popular ways to automate Close.

New to Zapier? It’s workflow automation software that lets you focus on what matters. Combine user interfaces, data tables, and logic with 6,000+ apps to build and automate anything you can imagine. Sign up for free to use this app, and thousands more, with Zapier.

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To get started with a Zap template—what we call our pre-made workflows—just click on the button. It only takes a few minutes to set up. You can read more about setting up Zaps here.

Capture important lead information

You probably find leads in lots of places, like when they book a call with you, click on a Facebook ad, or submit a form on your website. You can copy lead information into your Close database manually, but that process is slow—which limits how much you can scale your sales follow-up. Not to mention that data entry also leaves room for human error.

Capturing accurate lead information is essential to a good sales process, but keeping tedious data entry to a minimum is also important. These workflows let you set up automatic lead creation across your channels, wherever customers find you. 

From events and meetings

When a new prospect books a call with you, they should always be added to your CRM. That way, every lead is accounted for in your records—and it’s that much easier to ensure you’re following up with all potential customers.

These Zaps create new leads and opportunities (or update existing ones) in your Close account anytime a new invitee is created in Calendly. 

You can even add a filter step to specify which Calendly meeting types should trigger the Zap. Then once your Zap is set to your preferences, you can focus on your meetings without worrying about whether your CRM is up to date.

From ad campaigns

Lead generation and lead outreach are two separate beasts—and maintaining updated records in both systems is a monster of its own. When a prospect clicks on your ad or landing page, you’ll want to save their information in your CRM. 

But the more activity you generate with your ad campaigns, the harder it is to keep up with manually entering leads into Close. These Zaps help streamline your lead management by automatically creating new contacts in Close from activity in Facebook Lead Ads or ClickFunnels.

From forms

One easy way to collect information is to use a form builder like Typeform or Google Forms. These forms can easily be embedded in your website or linked in a social media post to let interested prospects submit questions, request a callback, or sign up for a demo.

And once that form has been submitted, you can easily funnel that information to Close using automation. These Zaps automatically create new leads in Close for every form submission in Typeform, Jotform, or Google Forms—keeping your CRM up to date without any manual data entry.

Keep your team informed of new opportunities and leads

When it comes to sales opportunities, it’s crucial to act fast. Your team should stay aware of any new leads and have a system in place for reaching out to potential customers as soon as possible. 

But when your business uses dozens of apps to do your job, it’s easy for notifications to fall through the cracks. It’s better to consolidate all your messages in one place than rely on logging into Close daily to check for updates.

The Zaps below send an email or Slack message when new activity (like opportunities, tasks, and leads) is detected in Close. That way, your sales team can see incoming leads in real time—or even celebrate with each other over big wins.

Connect Close to even more apps with webhooks

While Zapier integrates with thousands of apps, there’s still a chance the tool you want to connect to Close doesn’t (yet) have a native Zapier integration. If that’s the case, you can use webhooks to create your own custom workflow.

Webhooks might sound intimidating, but they’re a relatively simple and powerful way to send information from one app to another. For example, if you use an obscure form builder, you might use a webhook to submit form information to Close as a new lead. Or you might send notifications of new activities in Close to a database or project management app.

Automate repetitive tasks within Close

Did you know you can create Zaps to automate workflows within the same app? With Close, this means you can set up customized workflows to streamline repetitive work, like creating new tasks when a lead’s opportunity status changes or randomly assigning leads to salespeople on a regular basis.

Perhaps you need to update each lead with additional notes or custom activities once it’s moved to a new status. Or maybe you’d like to automatically update a lead when a related email appears in your Close inbox. You can do all these things and more with automation.

Starting with one of these workflows, you could even create a conditional workflow using a Path step to assign new leads to specific team members based on a tag or other custom field. 

Nurture leads more efficiently with Close automation

In sales, the highest priority is building relationships with prospects and customers. The time it takes you to deal with mundane data entry—like capturing important information, adding leads to your email list, or notifying the right people of new prospects—could be better spent in conversation.

By automating routine workflows with Zapier, you maximize your team’s efficiency while reducing the chances that important prospects fall through the cracks.

This article was originally published in October 2022. It was most recently updated in July 2024.

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